by Steve Grossman | Dec 23, 2006 | Blog, The Industry
We all have things that come at us all day long, everyday. Some are small and some are big, but they can all be distractions that keep us from focusing on what matters. Over at The Happiness Project I found a terrific idea for managing the small ones, and in my...
by Steve Grossman | Nov 23, 2006 | Blog, The Industry
Thank God for the arts.Experiencing art is a great treat of life. Whether it be painting, music, dance or drama, the arts touch us deeply and completely. And if you’re fortunate enough to have abilities in these areas, you’re especially blessed. Be sure to...
by Steve Grossman | Oct 10, 2006 | Blog, The Industry
Sometimes there’s nothing to say except read this. Yes, it’s that good.
by Steve Grossman | Oct 8, 2006 | Blog, The Industry
Want to know how to get a musician to complain? Give him a gig. Although that sounds like a funny joke, my experience says it’s true. Though there are a LOT worse ways to make money than playing music, I found that most musicians complained continually. But...
by Steve Grossman | Sep 29, 2006 | Blog, The Industry
There’s an admittedly long article I’d like you to read over at Fast Company’s website. It’s written by Tom Peters, who’s TP Wire Service I recommend at my squidoo site. Entitled The Brand Called You, I want you to read it for two...
by Steve Grossman | Sep 4, 2006 | Blog, The Industry
Being a major proponent of advancing your career through developing yourself in non-artistic areas such as people skills, marketing, branding, sales and financial literacy, I am also aware that you might become the classic “jack of all trades and master of...