by Steve Grossman | Jul 12, 2007 | Blog, The Industry
The New York Times has an article worth passing along. It’s entitled “The Day the Music Died” and it’s about hearing loss. Not the most fun subject, but one well worth it.
by Steve Grossman | Jul 8, 2007 | Blog, The Industry
Head on over to Joyful Jubilant Learning and get an eyeful of educational highlights from the web. Covering everything from books to BHAG’s, collaboration and community to learning styles and talents, the list is big and growing. And thanks to Genuine Curiosity,...
by Steve Grossman | Jun 8, 2007 | Blog, The Industry
From Donald’s recent post entitled Find the Greatness within Yourself:”There is an old riddle that brings this to light: Five frogs weresitting on a log. Four decided to jump off. How many were left? Answer:Five. Why? Because there’s a difference between...
by Steve Grossman | May 30, 2007 | Blog, The Industry
Here’s some excellent advice from Donald Trump within the post, “Blueprint for Success”:”It’s not just business acumen, but integrity, that carries you forward in the business world.”and”Our actions and words will eventually point...
by Steve Grossman | May 22, 2007 | Blog, The Industry
“If you think you can do a thing or think you can’t do a thing, you’re right.” – Henry Ford
by Steve Grossman | May 17, 2007 | Blog, The Industry
My last post discussed being likable as a key to success along with a few other topics. Just in case you thought I was lying, go read Scouting for the Best Athletes.”The chemistry dynamic is very important,” agreed Gary Lieberman, president of West Side...