by Steve Grossman | Aug 13, 2007 | Blog, Career, The Industry
“We’d like you to come play with us.” As I hung up the phone, I told my wife that I had gotten the gig with Russ Taff, a gig that would take this newly married couple to Nashville and on to who knows what. It was fall of ’86 and we were soon...
by Steve Grossman | Aug 10, 2007 | Blog, The Industry
Remember my post about Jerry Seinfeld’s red X’s? Well, someone WAY smarter than me has created a website you can use to be just like Jerry! Remember, don’t break the chain…
by Steve Grossman | Aug 10, 2007 | Blog, The Industry
I am passionate about helping others live passionate lives, or as I call it, living fully alive. At one time, my passion was to be a world class drummer. All along it’s been to be a world class husband and father (a most difficult goal I might add), which means...
by Steve Grossman | Aug 8, 2007 | Blog, The Industry
I talked about them here, now Amie Street has been funded by Amazon. The disruption continues…Powered by ScribeFire.
by Steve Grossman | Aug 7, 2007 | Blog, The Industry
“Ever since I was a child I have had this instinctive urge for expansion and growth. To me, the function of and duty of a quality human is the sincere and honest development of one’s potential. I have come to discover through earnest personal experience and...
by Steve Grossman | Aug 6, 2007 | Blog, Career, The Industry
In the years I worked as a musician, I experienced times of financial scarcity and abundance. In one five year period, I had one year of $22K and another of just under $60K. We are still confused as to how we survived the first (God provides!) and where the money went...