by Steve Grossman | Aug 22, 2007 | Blog, Career, The Industry
I no sooner got done writing about SellaBand’s anniversary and commenting about transformational changes in the music industry when I read a comment on the Springwise article. Kudos to Julian Clayton for directing us to Slicethepie.
by Steve Grossman | Aug 22, 2007 | Blog, Career, The Industry
When I first wrote about A Musical Stock Exchange called SellaBand, the site was just getting started. Springwise – where I first heard of SellaBand – is back with information about the site now that it’s one year old. How’s it going? 4,000+...
by Steve Grossman | Aug 20, 2007 | Blog, Career, Marketing, The Industry
Today’s word of the day is indulgence. As in this quote from Jones Soda CEO Peter van Stolk: “Our strategy is to be a treat. Our marketing campaign is ‘Drink less soda, just better soda.’ We’re the first to admit that we are an indulgence and if you’re going to...
by Steve Grossman | Aug 20, 2007 | Blog, The Industry
My thanks to Eric Boehme for the following quotes at his “the blogging boss” blog:“Learning without thought is labor lost; thought without learning is perilous.” – Confucius “Learning is not compulsory… neither is survival.” – W. Edwards Deming...
by Steve Grossman | Aug 20, 2007 | Blog, Career, Marketing, The Industry
This is a complete post from John Dodds entitled “Pitching Your Price”: “The cake stall In Borough Market was laden with goodies and my eyes were drawn to the succulent chocolate brownies – and then to the price. £1.50. Not cheap. But wait...
by Steve Grossman | Aug 14, 2007 | Blog, The Industry
Brazen Careerist guest writer Ryan Healy offers twentysomethings advice in his post entitled “Forget the big city, try middle America.” It could be good advice for you too. “From the outside, cities like Cincinnati, Ohio and Norman, Oklahoma aren’t...