by Steve Grossman | May 2, 2008 | Blog, Career, Marketing, The Industry
James Sullivan has written a summary piece from an industry expert roundtable discussion at Berklee College of Music in Boston.”After opening remarks by Marybeth Peters, the U.S. register of copyrights, on the changing nature of copyright law, the panel waded...
by Steve Grossman | Apr 30, 2008 | Blog, The Industry
Ever since I made the jump from the music business to “the real world” of corporate (business) America, I’ve increasingly convinced that there are no tangible differences between the two worlds. This has been and always will be at the core of my...
by Steve Grossman | Apr 28, 2008 | Blog, Career, The Industry
Here’s the link for my last post.
by Steve Grossman | Apr 28, 2008 | Blog, Career, The Industry
Check out the BW Jukebox, “a roundup of the growing list of places to download music (legally) on the Web. 2 items of note:- I’m glad it’s a growing list. We’re seeing new and profitable business models launched – it’s exciting.-...
by Steve Grossman | Apr 28, 2008 | Blog, Career, The Industry
In a wide-ranging and fairly balanced article, BusinessWeek offers a must read perspective on the RIAA’s lawsuits surrounding the illegal downloading of music. Here’s a quote about Tanya Andersen’s pending countersuit:”Andersen is going after...
by Steve Grossman | Apr 23, 2008 | Blog, The Industry
“In the first place, we should insist that if the immigrant who comes here in good faith becomes an American and assimilates himself to us, he shall be treated on an exact equality with everyone else, for it is an outrage to discriminate against any such man...