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Give What Away for Free?

In the past two days, I’ve come across four articles about giving away digital content for free. Most are, somewhat understandably, bemoaning the idea. This post quotes Esther Dyson as saying “that the ease with which digital content can be copied and...

Failure Isn’t Fun, But…

From BoingBoing, courtesy of Mark Frauenfelder: J.K. Rowling’s terrific commencement address at Harvard is available as a video, MP3, or text. The fact that you are graduating from Harvard suggests that you are not very well-acquainted with failure…. I...

Four Business Trends

Check out Dominic Basulto’s slide deck on four business trends:(1) Social Data (2) Micro-Payments for Online Social Experiences(3) Content Mashups(4) “Live” experiences (that really aren’t “live”)What’s interesting to me is...

Biting The Hand That Feeds You?

The owner of NYC indie record shop Rockit Scientist Records is quoted as saying:”Anybody who legally downloads music is an idiot! You can get it for free, why pay for it? Download it illegally, who’s going to catch you? Legal or illegal, they sound the...