When I first launched this blog, it was to be a part of a larger plan involving a book, website and various other ideas related to helping people in “the arts” build careers. Problem is, all that takes time to build, and being the sort of person I am, it’s taken a LOT of time to build. Truth is, I’ve been suffering with “paralysis of analysis” — a dreaded condition common among creative people.

Simply put, paralysis of analysis occurs when you have many great ideas, thoughts and plans that all seem to clash inside your brain. They may be about your life here on earth, or how to play/sing the next part of a song. Either way, they can easily lead to a trainwreck because one of two things will happen: you’ll stop and do nothing, or mismanage doing everything at once. Sound familiar?

Oddly enough, one way out of this condition is a little more analysis. Think about what you want in the end. What is the “big picture” goal or idea or wish you are working towards? Often times, simply taking the time to reorient yourself towards these goals will bring everything else into focus. Once you’re focused, the steps from here to there come into focus too.

But what if you still can’t get focused? I mention this at my website, as something called “fuzzy dream syndrome”. This exists when you really don’t know what you want? That’s what caused my website to languish. To be honest, it’s what caused my music career to flounder too.

Don’t let that happen to you. Get focused and get going.