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I write this blog for two main reasons: One, I want you to reach your dreams. Two, I can’t help you, but I can direct you to resources that can.

I spent the lasts few days at a meeting in Florida with my company’s best operations leaders from the region. These are the folks that ensure that things get done at our locations. They are all about “doing” – or getting others to “do” – all day long, week in and week out.

I attended this meeting with several other “corporate folks” such as myself. We’re a national company with about 90 locations that are increasingly linked together by the internet and the fact that most of our customers travel extensively. The biggest challenge our company faces is making the change from a locally based to a nationally based culture and this was the topic of much of the meeting.

It was evident that the ops people did not think much of us corporate types and it reminded me of musicians.

Why? Because just like these operational managers, most musicians spend their lives working hard, day after day, playing each and every gig they can and struggling to make a living. They exist from week to week with a week to week, gig to gig perspective.

Then one day they awake to find the world has changed and they are no longer relevant to what’s going on around them. They’ve missed changes in music, customers, clubs, distribution and technology.

This is why I write. I hope to broaden your perspective by pointing you to the knowledge and wisdom found in the business world. Read my blog, buy a book, subscribe to some magazines, hang with some talented businesspeople and pick their brains – do anything and everything to build a bridge so you grow in your strategic and long term business building skills.