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From a most unusal source – a story about Ivy League Marketing Education for Free – I’ve found inspiration for musicians.

From MIT to UC Berkeley to Yale, posting entire syllabuses and class notes is all the rage. And this begs the question: Why would prestigious universities give away their intellectual property for free? Well,

 “From Yale’s point of view, there still is nothing more important than
direct interaction between students and teachers,” says Diana E.E.
Kleiner, an art-history professor and director of the Yale project.
“Putting a selection of our courses online doesn’t change that.”

Just like music.

Forget the Digital Rights Managment arguments and do two things:

  1. Develop a business model based on interacting with your fans in multiple ways at multiple price points and never forget the personal touches (like performing).
  2. Make GREAT MUSIC.

Number 2 will drive fans to number 1.