I want to explain why I write this blog: I write this blog because I believe in people and I believe in them because I know their Creator.

I believe you to be uniquely endowed with talents, gifts and abilities for specific times,
places and situations. I don’t mean in the sense of “being in the right place at the right
time”, I mean life. A life that is needed. Your life is needed by the world and the people
that surround you. If you do not live this life, those needs will go unmet. You fill a
specific place in history that is yours and yours alone.

I also believe that we – individually, corporately, religiously – have fallen tragically short in encouraging you, and all people, to live life. Oh sure, we scream “you only live once, so go for it”, “just do it” and “live life to the fullest”, but I am not talking about reckless abandon and partying until dawn.

I am talking about boldly answering the cry of your heart. Boldy living a life that manifests the power, glory and effectiveness of the Creator. A life that the world desperately needs you to live.

So I write this blog to encourage you to live your life, and live it to the full. Whether you pursue music, another area of the arts, or accounting does not matter to me. I only hope to encourage you to look inside and find your heart’s cry. And once you’ve found it, I hope the tools, skills and principles I share will make your journey success-full.

With all that said, I wish you an especially meaningful Holy Day’s Season. A season of insight, encouragement and personal commitment to live the life you were meant to live.
God Bless,
