I’m posting a link to this Untemplater video interview of Seth Godin on all my blogs today for two reasons. And since my first reason is the same for all three postings, it’s at the bottom. So reason number 2, my “Specific to Why I Failed” reason is this:
2.) The music and entertainment industry is the most visibly and powerfully affected business segment in the world. If you’re not yet convinced that it is also an area of tremendous opportunity, this video will convince you. If not? Pray for faith and watch it again. Then go out and build the career of your dreams following your passion.
1.) It’s brilliant and I’m not exaggerating. If you are wondering what’s going on the world today – financially, socially, etc., etc., – this interview covers most all of it thoroughly and insight-FULLY in ways you will not find anywhere else. Not only does Seth see the big pictures, but he puts them in dead-simple terms that will impact your life. At least I hope they will. Two quotes:
– “The future will not be like the past only shinier”
– The current economic template “was invented by people who owned factories”
I cannot oversell the importance of watching this video and paying attention to what’s said.