After 20 years in music and 5+ years in business, I know one thing for sure: you will not do the work necessary to succeed in your dream without
solid answers to the following questions. Pursuing dreams requires something
of you and you will only give of yourself for something clearly defined, realistic and truly
meaningful. Anything less is just a fantasy.
So, first question:
Why do you want to be a professional musician/singer/songwriter? Chances are your life is pretty good right now, so why do you want/need to blow that up for what you think you want. If you’re already playing music as a part of your life, what do you need to be different?
Second: what is it exactly that you want to do? “I want to be a star” doesn’t count, spell it out in detail. “I want to have a career exactly like _______ – and that means the following: blah, blah, blah.” List details of what your professional life will be at that point. Also paint a picture of what your life will be like when you have it – family, time, travel, obligations, etc. And be sure you answer about the emotional parts for too. How will you FEEL then? Is there something you’re after emotionally?
Third, and most importantly, are your answers to these questions realistic? I realized late in my career that I had a fantasy version of being a recording session drummer. I THOUGHT I knew what recording work was like, but the reality was different. This means you have to do some research. Get around folks that are doing what you want to do and read articles and stories about their work. And if you read something you don’t like, take it seriously. It will NOT be different for you no matter what you think.
Fourth: once you’ve put your answers through the research of step three ask yourself this: does all of this add up to a life I want to live?
I know these are tough questions, but here’s where I’m going with this. There’s a tendency to define success in the music business one way: mega stardom. But that’s not fair or true. Playing music is much more than selling 2.23 million CDs and it’s unrealistic to consider anything less than that a failure.
To me, success in the music business is having a great LIFE that includes your passion for music. One of my main objectives as a writer is to help you understand that everyone has two dreams – what they want to do, and the life they want to have. True success is when they work harmoniously.
Now, don’t get me wrong, I want to be a multi-millionaire so I understand the difference between going off to work each day and touring the world in a Lear Jet. But I also know what it takes to get on that Lear Jet and what it does to a life. Make sure you do too.
You will not reach your dreams if they are fuzzy.
You will not reach your dreams if they are unrealistic.
And you will not give what is required of yourself if they are not meaningful.