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Want to know how to get a musician to complain?

Give him a gig.

Although that sounds like a funny joke, my experience says it’s true. Though there are a LOT worse ways to make money than playing music, I found that most musicians complained continually. But it’s not just musicians, every where I go, I’m amazed at how much the average person grumbles in the average day.

And the key word in that sentence is average. The musicians that grumbled never succeeded and the average people I hear complain every day won’t either. But if complaining is not enough for you, here’s a list of many many other things you can do that are guaranteed to make you fail in life. Here are my favorites:

  • If anything makes you really happy, tell everyone how you will probably never be that happy again.
  • Make sure everyone knows that you have the worst luck of anyone they will ever meet.
  • Whenever you buy a gift for someone, make sure they know all of its flaws, how cheap it was, and how it’s really “not anything special.”

Go have a laugh.