There’s an admittedly long article I’d like you to read over at Fast Company’s website. It’s written by Tom Peters, who’s TP Wire Service I recommend at my squidoo site.
Entitled The Brand Called You, I want you to read it for two reasons: First, it’s an excellent example of the wealth of information you, as a musician/artist, can pull from articles found in business publications. Information that is not being talked about in Guitar Player or Modern Drummer. The article is chock FULL of stuff that will make you think, re-think, and take action.
Second, he nails the concept of Brand, You (or as I call it You, Inc.) by asking five questions:
– What makes you different? “If your answer wouldn’t light up the eyes of a prospective client or
command a vote of confidence from a satisfied past client, or — worst
of all — if it doesn’t grab you, then you’ve got a big problem.”
– What’s the pitch for You? “Don’t sell the steak, sell the sizzle.”
– What’s the real power of You? “If you want to grow your brand, you’ve got to come to terms with power — your own. The key lesson: power is not a dirty word!”
– What’s loyalty to You? “Today loyalty is the only thing that matters.”
– What’s the future for You? “A career is now a checkerboard. Or even a maze. It’s full of moves that
go sideways, forward, slide on the diagonal, even go backward when that
makes sense.”
Do yourself a favor and go read it now!