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Just read this great article by Mark Cuban.Ya know, The Benefactor, multi-billionaire guy? The whole thing is excellent (as are most things at— hint hint), but two things absolutely nail what I’m trying to get across to musicians: the importance of reading and thinking differently.

On reading: “Of course, my wife hates that I read more than three hours almost every day, but it gives me a level of comfort and confidence in my businesses”

If there’s only one thing I’m able to communicate through my work, I pray it’s the importance of reading. It’s been said that leaders are readers and it is so true. As Mark says, books and magazines (and blogs too) are very inexpensive and/or free and they are FULL of useful stuff for your career and self development, yet so few people take advantage like they should. Read often and read anything and everything you can get your hands on, you’ll be stunned at the things this simple habit will uncover for you.

On business in general: “Always ask yourself how someone could preempt your products or service. How can they put you out of business? Is it price? Is it service? Is it ease of use?”

What a great set of questions to ask yourself no matter what you do for a living (might not be a bad question for some personal lives too!). By learning to think in this way, you are setting yourself apart and making sure you’ll never go hungry.

Go read the whole article, it is chock full of great
stuff. Enjoy…