During a recent conversation with a young woman who will soon be a surgeon, we discussed the subject of dealing with people. She mentioned the fact that several of her fellow students were lacking in this area, followed by the statement that “it was difficult to fault people for something they can’t do anything about”.
Though I didn’t say it at the time, I disagree. I think people CAN do something about how they interact with other people. My experience has taught me that everything needed to be exceptional with people can indeed by learned. However, what struck me most about her commment was that the folks around you can’t be counted on to tell you if you have faults in this area.
This means it’s totally up to you alone to figure our how you’re doing and make adjustments as needed. My suggestion? Make this a lifelong study. You will always, continually and every changingly, interact with people. I have found that the most accomplished people in this area are tireless students. They read, study, ask questions and find mentors. They are also extremely successful in their chosen fields. And isn’t that what you want too?